Canonical unveils Ubuntu 21.10
The goal is to enhance the developer experience wherever they work, the company said.

The extremity is to heighten the developer acquisition wherever they work, the institution said.

Image: Canonical
Canonical rolled retired Ubuntu 21.10 Thursday, touting it arsenic "the astir productive situation for cloud-native developers and AI/ML innovators crossed the desktop, devices and cloud."
SEE: 5 Linux server distributions you should beryllium using (TechRepublic Premium)
Ubuntu 21.10 adds GCC 11, PHP 8, Gnome 40, WSLg, and a scope of Ubuntu Docker instrumentality images, according to Rob Gibbon, merchandise manager astatine Canonical. Additionally, "there's Apache Cassandra, packaged some arsenic a Docker instrumentality representation and arsenic a snap, giving DataOps teams a caller enactment for gathering and moving data-intensive Cassandra clusters."
Another diagnostic is the caller GCC 11, which Canonical called the de facto C/C++ compiler. Improved static codification investigation capabilities person been added to automatically observe vulnerabilities and assistance developers summation amended codification information insights earlier successful the improvement cycle, the institution said.
Security updates
Ubuntu 21.10 besides comes with a raft of information features, Gibbon said. "Kernel 5.13 brings important information improvements to the Ubuntu platform, including Kernel Electric Fence (KFENCE), a lightweight runtime representation mistake detector designed for usage connected accumulation systems,'' helium said.
It besides comes with Landlock—a mandatory entree power strategy designed for casual administration, and kernel stack offset randomization crossed strategy calls, which aims to support against definite forms of privilege escalation exploit with minimal overhead, Gibbons said.
"Additionally, 21.10 ships with unprivileged Berkely Packet Filter (BPF) entree disabled by default, though administrators tin inactive alteration this diagnostic if required," helium said.
Image: Canonical
Designed for Ubuntu developers wherever they are
Ubuntu 21.10 brings the PHP 8 and GCC 11 including afloat enactment for static analysis, Canonical said. This aims to amended information consciousness successful low-level programming.
With Gnome 40 desktop users summation dynamic workspaces and touchpad gestures. Mozilla's caller Firefox drawback is designed to amended information and guarantees entree to some the latest and the extended enactment merchandise versions of the browser, Canonical said. The nonstop aforesaid versions of the browser are disposable connected aggregate antithetic versions of Ubuntu, which aims to simplify endeavor developer level management, the institution said.
SEE: Ubuntu 21.10 is upon us, and it's tiny changes for large improvements (TechRepublic)
Over the past year, the fig of snaps published successful the store has grown by 25%, and the drawback store present serves implicit 10 cardinal systems daily.
Windows developers are being offered out-of-the-box enactment for graphical applications connected Windows Subsystem for Linux, truthful Ubuntu desktop applications don't necessitate modification.
Cloud autochthonal from the borderline to the mainframe
Modern improvement practices progressively beryllium connected containerized images but assuring representation provenance of unfastened root bundle tin beryllium challenging, Canonical noted. Application developers privation consistent, trustworthy instrumentality images from a reliable source, the institution said. So Canonical said it has made the Ubuntu 21.10 OCI representation disposable connected Docker Hub and Amazon ECR Public Registry.
Alongside the Ubuntu basal image, Canonical maintains a curated acceptable of exertion images. LTS Docker Images supply commitments for compliance and information updates, which are backed by Canonical for the afloat beingness of Ubuntu, astatine slightest 10 years, the institution said.
Further, the latest LTS Docker Images from Canonical see Grafana, Prometheus and NGINX. Apache Cassandra v4 is simply a caller addition, with real-time scraping, alerts and improved Prometheus integration, according to Canonical. Also joining the portfolio of LTS Docker Images are Squid, a caching proxy, and Bind9, a full-featured DNS system, the institution said.
MicroK8s installs Kubernetes with a azygous bid and forms a Kubernetes borderline clump successful conscionable 2 commands. MicroK8s present comes with the latest CNCF-certified Kubernetes 1.22 successful the unchangeable channel. MicroK8s enactment for IBM Z is designed to springiness users cloud-native devops with the stableness and information of the mainframe, Canonical said.
There is besides a absorption connected artificial intelligence and machine learning workloads. With Ubuntu 21.10, Canonical offers Apache Cassandra packaged arsenic a snap, enabling DataOps teams to acceptable up a Cassandra cluster, according to the company.
Run-time representation mistake detection
With kernel 5.13, Ubuntu 21.10 adds enactment for Kernel Electric Fence, a caller run-time representation mistake detector designed for accumulation environments. KFENCE is designed to support the overhead debased portion detecting the astir communal representation errors.
"Enabled by default, Ubuntu 21.10 volition randomize the representation determination of the kernel stack astatine each system-call introduction connected some the amd64 and arm64 architectures with a minimum interaction connected performance,'' Canonical said.
Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri is the last interim merchandise earlier the adjacent Ubuntu Long Term Support owed for merchandise successful April 2022. Ubuntu 21.10 volition beryllium supported astatine slightest until 2032, the institution said.
"As unfastened root becomes the caller default, we purpose to bring Ubuntu to each the corners of the endeavor and each the places developers privation to innovate," said Mark Shuttleworth, laminitis and CEO of Canonical, successful a statement. "From the biggest nationalist clouds to the tiniest devices, from DGX servers to Windows WSL workstations, unfastened root is the springboard for caller ideas and Ubuntu makes that springboard safe, unafraid and consistent."
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