Duval school board approves $200 COVID-19 vaccine incentives, emergency leave

After months of uncertainty about whether Duval County Public Schools employees would be allowed paid time off for COVID-19 emergencies, the board voted unanimously Tuesday morning to approve a deal that would retroactively provide it to teachers and staff...

Duval school board approves $200 COVID-19 vaccine incentives, emergency leave

Paid clip off, currency incentives unanimously approved successful caller MOUs with worker unions

The Duval County Public Schools committee  meets connected  October 19, 2021.The Duval County Public Schools committee meets connected October 19, 2021. (Copyright 2021 by WJXT News4Jax - All rights reserved.)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – After months of uncertainty astir whether Duval County Public Schools employees would beryllium allowed paid clip disconnected for COVID-19 emergencies, the committee voted unanimously Tuesday greeting to o.k. a woody that would retroactively supply it to teachers and unit members arsenic of the opening of the schoolhouse year.

The approved deals supply 24 hours of paid permission for workers who declaration COVID-19 and are incapable to enactment and they supply 40 hours for vaccinated employees who drawback the coronavirus -- arsenic good arsenic those who person a spiritual oregon aesculapian exemption.

The deals besides supply each DCPS employees up to 32 hours of paid permission for COVID-19 testing, careless of that employee’s vaccination status.

The agreements approved Tuesday besides supply subordinate employees a $200 inducement outgo if they’re vaccinated against COVID-19 by Dec. 10 oregon they’ve received an approved exemption.

Those currency incentives volition outgo the territory an estimated $2,445,260, which volition beryllium tapped from the national oregon authorities COVID-19 funds.


The board’s lawyer said that 7 DCPS employees person submitted requests for a spiritual exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine, of which, 2 were denied.

Also during Tuesday morning’s meeting, the committee approved an updated argumentation for dealing with communicable diseases during pandemics and epidemics.

Copyright 2021 by WJXT News4Jax - All rights reserved.

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Joe covers acquisition and breaking news. He is simply a predominant contributor to the News4Jax I-team and Trust Index coverage.

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