El Salvador explores bitcoin mining powered by volcanoes

At a geothermal power plant near El Salvador’s Tecapa volcano, 300 computers whir inside a trailer as they make complex mathematical calculations day and night verifying transactions for the cryptocurrency bitcoin.

El Salvador explores bitcoin mining powered by volcanoes

BERLIN – At a geothermal powerfulness works adjacent El Salvador’s Tecapa volcano, 300 computers whir wrong a trailer arsenic they marque analyzable mathematical calculations time and nighttime verifying transactions for the cryptocurrency bitcoin.

The aviator task has inspired a rash of volcano emojis from President Nayib Bukele, who made bitcoin ineligible tender successful September, and promises of cheap, renewable vigor for alleged bitcoin “mining.” Such operations, including ones concern successful scale, person been harshly criticized elsewhere successful the satellite for the monolithic amounts of energy they usage and the resulting c footprint.

Bukele and others accidental El Salvador’s geothermal resources — generating energy from high-pressure steam produced by the volcano’s subterranean vigor — could beryllium a solution. But the representation successful the tiny Central American state is much complicated.

“We don’t walk resources that contaminate the environment, we don’t beryllium connected oil, we don’t beryllium connected earthy gas, connected immoderate assets that isn’t renewable,” Daniel Álvarez, president of the Rio Lempa Hydroelectric Executive Commission, which oversees the plant, said during a circuit Friday.


Cheap powerfulness and a supportive authorities are the 2 captious factors for attracting bitcoin mining operations, said Brandon Arvanaghi, a bitcoin mining consultant.

Two years ago, China provided astir three-quarters of each the energy utilized for crypto mining, with operations flocking to instrumentality vantage of its inexpensive hydroelectric power. But the authorities began restricting mining and successful September declared each transactions involving bitcoin and different cryptocurrencies illegal.

That has led to a scramble to acceptable up mining operations successful different countries.

It would look to beryllium fortuitous for Bukele, who shocked the federation and galore astir the satellite with his announcement past summertime that bitcoin would go ineligible tender beside the U.S. dollar successful El Salvador. The president sold the program successful portion arsenic a mode for Salvadorans surviving overseas — mostly successful the U.S.— to nonstop wealth location to their families much cheaply. It besides made him a darling of the bitcoin world.


But the motorboat has been rocky. The integer wallet Salvadorans were expected to usage to execute basal transactions had a glitchy rollout. Some users said they conscionable wanted the $30 the authorities offered arsenic an incentive. There proceed to beryllium concerns that the integer currency, which touts being controlled by nary government, volition invitation transgression activity.

So far, the United States has been a large victor successful attracting much bitcoin mining operations, particularly the authorities of Texas, which has bountiful renewable vigor and a de-regulated market.

Bitcoin mining successful El Salvador would look to person a supportive authorities successful Bukele, but inexpensive energy is truthful acold conscionable a promise.

El Salvador imports astir one-fifth to one-quarter of its electricity. The remainder of accumulation is divided among hydroelectric, geothermal and plants fired by fossil fuels.

Geothermal accounts for astir a 4th of the country’s energy. El Salvador has 23 volcanoes.


“When you adhd these renewable sources similar these immense abundant areas, a ton of renewable sources and a affable authorities it tin beryllium precise charismatic and El Salvador whitethorn precise good acceptable that model,” Arvanaghi said.

Right now, El Salvador’s energy is not considered peculiarly cheap.

The website GlobalPetrolPrices.com, which publishes retail vigor prices astir the world, puts electrical costs to households and businesses successful El Salvador good supra the planetary average.

Arvanaghi said that bitcoin mining incentivizes the enlargement of renewable vigor accumulation by providing precocious request for inexpensive powerfulness and that miners person shown themselves to beryllium consenting to intermission a information of their machines astatine times erstwhile determination is little powerfulness disposable from the grid.

Bukele’s committedness of inexpensive powerfulness for bitcoin mining past would person to impact a subsidy, astatine slightest until renewable capableness expanded and rates declined.


Luis González, nationalist argumentation manager astatine the nongovernmental enactment Salvadoran Ecological Unit (UNES), said if El Salvador tin negociate to supply cheaper, renewable powerfulness it should spell to the country’s families, not cryptocurrency mining operations.

“The perfect would beryllium that the cheapest, cleanest, astir nationalist vigor would beryllium for the people,” González said.

He besides warned that advertizing geothermal arsenic cleanable has caveats. It is cleaner than burning fossil fuels, helium said, but comes with its ain impacts. The sites wherever wells are dug to pat into the subterranean vigor interaction the section habitat. He besides expressed concerns that aquifers could go contaminated astatine geothermal sites.

“We’re the state with the slightest entree to h2o successful Central America,” helium said, noting that was the main crushed El Salvador banned metals mining 4 years ago.

Many bitcoin mining operations person concentrated successful cooler climates too, due to the fact that beyond the energy to powerfulness the machines much is the request to support them cool, González said. El Salvador has a tropical climate.


At the Berlin Geothermal plant, 2 hours thrust eastbound of the capital, Gustavo Cuellar, peculiar projects advisor for the Rio Lempa Hydroelectric Executive Commission, is overseeing the mining operation. He said the specialized mining machines connected the tract are utilizing 1.5 megawatts of the 102 megawatts the works produces. El Salvador’s different geothermal works successful Ahuachapan produces different 95 megawatts.

Together the plants supply powerfulness to 1.5 cardinal of El Salvador’s 6.5 cardinal citizens.

Álvarez said that the task volition turn implicit clip “because we person the renewable vigor resource, we person a batch of imaginable to proceed producing vigor to mine.”


Sherman reported from Mexico City.

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