How to Tap into the Power of Sample Press Release Template Starting Now

1 year ago 243


A press release is a great way to share news about your company or organization with the media. It's an opportunity to highlight achievements, show how you're solving problems, and more. If you've ever sent out one of these emails, chances are that it wasn't very successful—but this doesn't mean that press releases aren't worth using! In fact, many businesses use them to their advantage by regularly sending out sample press releases as part of their marketing strategy. So let's take a look at what makes a good press release format and how you can start using it today!

Avoid becoming attached to your press release.

It's important to remember that your sample press release template isn't meant to be an exact copy of the final product. You don't need to worry about typos or grammar errors because you're just trying out the format, not creating it from scratch.

The key is not getting attached to any one idea or concept; rather, focus on using this guide as inspiration for writing your own unique copy! If something feels off or doesn't feel right in terms of style, don't let yourself get hung up on it—just find another way into the topic at hand instead (for example: "How We Help Customers Save Time.")

Send personalized emails.

Personalize your email.

To make sure that your email is sent to the right person and doesn’t get lost in the shuffle, include their name in the subject line and make sure you spell their name correctly. If they wrote an article about you, ask them if there are any other questions they would like answered before sending out this press release template—this can help motivate them to write more articles!

Use the same language used by the reporter in their article.

The next step is to use the same language used by the reporter in their article. This is important because it shows that you’re not just trying to copy them, but are instead using their own words to communicate with your audience. In other words: When someone reads this press release and sees how it compares to what they read from a reporter, they will know that you didn’t just lift information from another source without giving credit.

Be sure to check out the buzz about your company.

You can use social media to find out what people are saying about your company. You may want to check out Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for comments on your product or service. Blogs are also an excellent resource, as they allow you to read what others have said about the same topic in order for you to get a better idea of what's going on in the industry at large.

You'll probably want to do some research before sending out any media release template so that you know exactly how much attention is being paid by media outlets when it comes time for them write up an article about your campaign (or whatever action).

Include a newsworthy headline.

The first thing you should do is include a newsworthy headline. This will help your readers get excited about what you have to say, and it also helps with SEO (search engine optimization). To keep people interested, make sure that it's catchy, but don't be too wordy or long-winded. A good rule of thumb is to choose one word per sentence; if there are more than two words in your title then you're probably looking at some kind of cliche.

If possible, use active voice—the "I" constructions instead of passive constructions such as "was," "is," etc.—and be aware that many people prefer active language over passive when writing sample press release template because they find it easier to read and understand quickly (even if they aren't aware why). You can read more about this here: https://www-literatureguildsuniversityofcaliforniastudentsguidebook1stedition2002/media/courses/iaa_pressrelease_formatting_guide1stedition2002/.

This will make it easier for you to send emails and update lists of media contacts and influencers.

When you're sending out a press release, it's important to keep track of who has received it and what they've done with it. You can do this by using a spreadsheet or Google Docs document.

If you use spreadsheets, create columns for each person on your list that are labeled "Sent" and "Received." Then in each column, write down any responses from the recipient(s). If there are multiple emails sent out at the same time (for example: if more than one person is publishing an article about your product), then add another column for each individual email sent out. When creating new contacts for future releases, simply add their name into this section so that next time when you send another email about them or their work (or even just update them on social media), everyone will know who they are again!

Keep it short and simple.

  • Keep it short and simple. As with all content, a press release should be short, concise, and easy to understand. You want readers to read your message without having to wade through an entire article or book just for one sentence—and if you're going to include more information about why a company is releasing the press release in the first place (which we'll get into later), then make sure that this information is clearly stated at the top of your document so that readers can easily find what they're looking for when they arrive at your website or blog post.

  • Keep it on one page only; no more than two pages at most! Don't try to cram too much information into something that would otherwise be called an "e-book" since these days most people have limited attention spans online due both cost factors (free) as well as convenience factors (the ability to read while doing something else).

Personalize, personalize, personalize!

Personalize the first sentence of your press release example for event.

You have a unique story to tell, and you want to tell it in a way that people will listen. That’s why personalizing your first sentence is so important! Start by writing down what surprised you most about this particular experience or event. Next, think about how others could benefit from hearing about it—and then write those benefits down in italics at the beginning of your release (see example below). Finally, use this information as inspiration for creating a compelling headline for your press release!

News releases can be a helpful tool in marketing your business or organization.

News releases are a great way to get your message out to the public. They can help you build relationships with reporters and media outlets, as well as get the word out about your business or organization.

News releases are an excellent way of getting your story across in an engaging way that will intrigue readers. If done correctly, news releases can help build trust between businesses and consumers; this is especially true if you have an awesome product or service that people want but haven’t heard about yet!


When it comes to creating a news release, there are many options. But don’t get caught up in the details—don’t spend hours on your event press release template just so it will look pretty and sound good. Instead, focus on what will make people want to read your message: make sure it answers questions they might have about your company’s products or services; use personal language; tell them why they should care about what you have to say; and include a link to an interesting article (or website) about something related.

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