'Introducing, Selma Blair' turns her MS diagnosis into a deeply personal documentary
Coming not long after the splendid Val Kilmer documentary, "Introducing, Selma Blair" provides more deeply personal access to an actor in the throes of a health crisis, following her multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2018. In this case, the focus...

(CNN)Coming not agelong aft the splendid Val Kilmer documentary, "Introducing, Selma Blair" provides much profoundly idiosyncratic entree to an histrion successful the throes of a wellness crisis, pursuing her multiple sclerosis diagnosis successful 2018. In this case, the absorption is little connected her vocation than her struggles and treatment, with the extremity of assisting others facing akin challenges.
It's an aggravated experience, 1 whose absorption is undeniably stirring but which leaves definite aspects of Blair's beingness and resume somewhat underdeveloped.
"Now I conscionable privation to assistance different radical consciousness better," Blair explains, during an interrogation successful which she astatine times has trouble speaking, wrestling with her sometimes uncooperative limbs and seeking to attraction for her young son.
Marking the archetypal feature-length movie for manager Rachel Fleit, the cameras travel Blair arsenic she undergoes stem-cell treatment, an attack with promising results but occasionally fatal consequences. It's a bruising process that begins with chemotherapy, revealing the toll connected Blair's assemblage portion she shares her fears and feelings of mortality done a premix of wit and tears.
The somewhat ironic facet of the rubric is that the movie astir apt should person devoted much clip to introducing its subject, including the intriguing relation she occupied arsenic a self-proclaimed supporting actress, endeavoring to marque Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar look bully successful "Legally Blonde" and "Cruel Intentions," respectively, earlier serving arsenic "Hellboy's" pal. A fewer much voices from that play would person helped arsenic well.
Although she expresses fewer regrets astir her career, Blair mentions her aboriginal tendency to go a writer, having befriended Carrie Fisher, who successfully made that modulation earlier her decease successful 2016. Blair besides discusses her narration with her mother, Molly Cooke, who died past year.
At its champion the movie captures Blair's sizeable courageousness -- including her willingness to fto the satellite stock successful her acquisition -- and her designation that utilizing her illustration to showcase that mightiness beryllium the astir invaluable publication that she tin marque for others facing specified conditions.
In that sense, "Introducing, Selma Blair" captures these latest chapters successful her life, but successful its operation shortchanges the afloat breadth of her story.
"Introducing, Selma Blair" premieres successful prime theaters connected Oct. 15 and Oct. 21 connected Discovery+.
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