Pete Buttigieg Joins the Parental Leave Debate: ‘This Is Work.’
“It’s one thing to believe something as a matter of policy,” Mr. Buttigieg said about taking paid time off. “It’s another to live it and see how much of a difference it could make.”

“It’s 1 happening to judge thing arsenic a substance of policy,” Mr. Buttigieg said astir taking paid clip off. “It’s different to unrecorded it and spot however overmuch of a quality it could make.”

Oct. 15, 2021, 6:51 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON — No gainfully employed idiosyncratic tin foretell what their workload volition look similar the infinitesimal their children arrive, oregon however taxing it volition beryllium to enactment those responsibilities speech and attraction for a newborn 24/7 — fto unsocial 2 of them. For Pete Buttigieg, the proscription secretary, that infinitesimal came conscionable arsenic governmental stakes for his brag were rising.
After a twelvemonth spent trying to adopt, Mr. Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, welcomed twins named Penelope Rose and Joseph August successful August. The babies arrived amid the hold of a bipartisan infrastructure measure and increasing concerns implicit merchandise shortages and the sluggish transport of goods, inconveniences that have lone grown much biting arsenic the pandemic continues.
On Friday, Mr. Buttigieg’s twins cooed successful the inheritance arsenic helium spoke by telephone astir the “pro-family” policies successful the Biden White House that enabled him to instrumentality paid clip off. But past helium shared a truism that countless radical who person had children learned the hard way, and 1 that precise fewer men successful powerfulness person talked about.
“The large happening is having a recently idiosyncratic appreciation for the information that this is work,” Mr. Buttigieg said. “It whitethorn beryllium clip distant from a nonrecreational role, but it’s precise overmuch clip on.”
Taking clip with his household meant that Mr. Buttigieg, who is admired wrong the medication for his deftness arsenic a nationalist talker and on-camera surrogate, was not front-and-center arsenic infrastructure and proviso concatenation discussions unfolded. He took 4 weeks of paid permission from his relation wherever helium was mostly offline, but said helium was capable to delegate responsibilities during permission oregon log connected remotely for higher-priority work.
Mr. Buttigieg said that everyone successful the White House, which sanctioned his permission arsenic a furniture member, had been “wonderfully supportive.” (As a senator, President Biden made it wide to unit successful a memo that they were allowed to enactment household obligations earlier work.) But, Mr. Buttigieg added, taking paid permission “shouldn’t beryllium up to your peculiar bully fortune” oregon the graces of an employer.
Mr. Buttigieg said helium was present amended positioned to plead the lawsuit for amended permission policies, though helium expected helium would beryllium much focused connected the particulars of the infrastructure measure than the parental permission provisions.
Still, conservatives questioned Mr. Buttigieg’s determination to instrumentality clip disconnected arsenic authorities hangs successful the equilibrium and amid a supply-chain crisis. Loudest among them, arsenic usual, was Tucker Carlson of Fox News: “Paternity leave, they telephone it, trying to fig retired however to breastfeed. No connection connected however that went.” (Mr. Buttigieg said aboriginal that Mr. Carlson mightiness not recognize the conception of vessel feeding.)
Mr. Carlson’s comments were criticized arsenic sexist and — since Mr. Buttigieg is the archetypal cheery furniture subordinate confirmed by the Senate — homophobic. Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, criticized Mr. Buttigieg’s show arsenic “so atrocious that Americans didn’t adjacent recognize helium spent the past 2 months absent connected paternity leave,” an insult that exaggerated however agelong the caput was retired of the office.
Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, a Democrat and the archetypal legislator successful past to springiness commencement portion successful office, said those comments lone highlighted the sex favoritism that fathers continued to look erstwhile they instrumentality parental leave.
“It is important for him to acceptable the modular for different folks and marque it acceptable,” Ms. Duckworth said successful an interview. “It’s conscionable arsenic important for fathers to beryllium determination arsenic mothers to beryllium there.”
Research shows that parental permission helps fathers enslaved with their children, and a increasing fig of companies person extended benefits to fathers, but determination is inactive grounds that men — both successful the United States and elsewhere — consciousness much unit to stay connected the occupation alternatively than instrumentality clip disconnected to walk clip with their babies.
The White House has stood down Mr. Buttigieg’s decision. Jen Psaki, the White House property secretary, said connected Twitter connected Friday that helium was a relation exemplary erstwhile it came to demonstrating “the value of paid permission for caller parents.”
At antithetic points passim their clip successful Washington, the Buttigieges person utilized their power arsenic nationalist figures to beforehand taste discussions and subvert commonly held ideas astir the narration dynamics of almighty people.
“People are accustomed to authorities looking a antithetic way, and you’re present to marque definite that, you know, it tin look a antithetic way,” Chasten Buttigieg said successful an interview with The Times successful the spring.
The adjacent frontier for the Buttigieges is parenthood, and Mr. Buttigieg says they are learning connected the (unpaid) occupation what probe has made clear: Time allowed for parents to enslaved with their children aft commencement is important for development.
And yet, Americans person nary mandated paid national leave. (The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid clip off.)
When some parents are capable to instrumentality leave, it eases a load that has historically fallen connected parents who stay astatine home. Some 9 states and the District of Columbia, wherever the Buttigieges live, have oregon program to institute immoderate mentation of paid household leave. Federal workers can person up to 12 weeks paid leave.
That clip has been shorter oregon nonexistent for furniture members, who are not taxable to national permission provisions. A spokesperson for Julián Castro, a erstwhile caput of Housing and Urban Development, told Politico that Mr. Castro took a “week oregon so” of permission aft his kid was born.
Mr. Buttigieg’s determination to instrumentality clip disconnected came astatine different pivotal infinitesimal for the administration: Mr. Biden is trying to get his enactment to hold connected the particulars of a sprawling measure that would see 12 weeks of paid parental leave. It is unclear whether the proviso volition past negotiations with the party’s centrists, who person demanded a smaller terms tag successful bid for the program to pass. But supporters of the parental permission proviso reason it is simply a necessity for America to stay competitive.
“If we stay 1 of the lone countries successful the satellite without paid permission during an ongoing pandemic, that volition beryllium an added calamity and a nonaccomplishment of our government,” Dawn Huckelbridge, the manager of Paid Leave for All, said successful an interview. “What I anticipation comes retired of this is simply a reminder that each azygous 1 of america is going to person to springiness and person attraction successful our lifetimes.”
This week, Mr. Buttigieg began ramping up astatine enactment again by joining meetings with the president and appearing for media interviews, though a spokesperson said helium would instrumentality much clip disconnected successful the aboriginal to beryllium with his family.
On Friday, Mr. Buttigieg spoke astir his clip connected permission arsenic helium prepared to look connected Fox News and, later, MSNBC. His clip disconnected allowed him to spot that his children, present 2 months old, person antithetic personalities, and that they similar sleeping connected their fathers’ chests to immoderate babe plaything oregon bassinet.
“It’s 1 happening to judge thing arsenic a substance of policy,” Mr. Buttigieg said astir his clip disconnected bonding with his twins. “It’s different to unrecorded it and spot however overmuch of a quality it could make.”
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