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Category: Politics
Steve Bannon Is A Step Closer To Jail After The 1/6 Com...
The 1/6 Committee showed that they aren't messing around by unanimously passing a referral of Steve Bannon for prosecution for cri...
Miami Private School Says Students Who Receive “Experim...
A Miami private school is embroiled in controversy after sending home a letter to parents that said students who get vaccinated wi...
Opinion:Defining Labor’s Role In Freedom Is Vital to Fi...
As workers realize and assert their real power, rooted in the fact that we all depend on each other’s work and can’t live without ...
Opinion: The House Select Committee Can Avoid the DOJ a...
The quick solution to force Trump’s people to testify according to the House’s legal subpoenas served on them eliminates the Depa...
Trump-backed challengers to Republican lawmakers lag in...
Four candidates backed by Donald Trump to challenge Republican lawmakers who voted to impeach him or boot him from office are fall...
Millions of American Kids At Risk or Languishing. Is th...
Ms. Riley described how the system is failing and how better data, more coordination with civic groups, and better priorities coul...
Analysis: Time is Running Out to Protect Our Democracy ...
The people enabling Trump’s lies should be called out for what they are: Traitors to democracy. Time is running out for democracy,...
Florida ICU Director: We’re Tired of Seeing People Die ...
The Delta variant has created chaos across the country during the month of August. And the virus has been particularly devastating...
Recent Study Confirms US Ranks Dead Last in Healthcare ...
Medicare for all. That very phrase has the potential to produce several very palpable responses. Republicans are, naturally, oppos...