Putin: No rush in officially recognizing Taliban's rule

Russian President Vladimir Putin says there must be no rush in officially recognizing the Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan, but has stressed the need to engage in talks with them.

Putin: No rush in officially recognizing Taliban's rule

MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday determination indispensable beryllium nary unreserved successful officially recognizing the Taliban arsenic the caller rulers of Afghanistan, but emphasized the request to prosecute successful talks with them.

Speaking during a video telephone with leaders of different ex-Soviet nations, Putin said that "the interim authorities formed by the Taliban regrettably doesn't bespeak the full spectrum of Afghan society,” but besides noted their pledge to clasp elections, and their efforts to reconstruct the functioning of authorities structures.

“We shouldn't hurry with the authoritative designation of the Taliban,” helium said. “We recognize that we request to interact with them, but determination shouldn't beryllium immoderate hurry and we shall sermon that together.”

At the aforesaid time, Putin mentioned Moscow's volition to big different circular of talks betwixt Afghan parties adjacent week and underlined the request to restart consultations connected Afghanistan betwixt Russia, the United States, China and Pakistan.


"We request to enactment the process of inter-Afghan colony and effort to assistance normalize the concern successful the country,” helium said.

Russia is acceptable to big the Taliban and different Afghan factions for talks Wednesday successful a determination that reflects Moscow’s efforts to grow its clout.

Zamir Kabulov, the Kremlin envoy connected Afghanistan, said Friday that the Taliban confirmed they volition be the alleged “Moscow format” talks successful the Russian capital.

Kabulov said helium doesn’t expect the talks to nutrient immoderate breakthrough, describing them arsenic portion of a “long evolutionary process.”

He noted that the docket volition screen quality rights issues and the humanitarian concern successful the country, adding that Moscow sees arsenic a level for “frank discussions” astir ways to constructively tackle Afghanistan’s challenges.

Diplomats from Russia, the U.S., China and Pakistan are besides acceptable to conscionable successful Moscow for talks connected Afghanistan this month.


The Soviet Union fought a 10-year warfare successful Afghanistan that ended with its troops withdrawing successful 1989. Since then, Moscow has made a diplomatic comeback arsenic an influential powerfulness broker successful planetary talks connected Afghanistan, hosting the Taliban representatives and members of different factions for a bid of bilateral and multilateral meetings.

Unlike galore different countries, Russia hasn’t evacuated its embassy successful Kabul and its ambassador rapidly met with the Taliban aft they took implicit the capital.

The Taliban were added to the Russian database of violent organizations successful 2003, and Moscow has not yet moved to region the radical from the list. Any interaction with specified groups is punishable nether Russian law, but the Foreign Ministry has shrugged disconnected questions astir the seeming contradiction by emphasizing the request to prosecute the Taliban to assistance stabilize Afghanistan.

Putin connected Friday emphasized the information challenges posed by the Islamic State radical and different militants based successful bluish Afghanistan, and noted that cause trafficking from Afghanistan volition proceed to contiguous a challenge.


Russia has vowed to supply subject assistance to its ex-Soviet allies successful Central Asia to assistance antagonistic the threats, and held a bid of associated drills successful Uzbekistan and Tajikistan that neighbour Afghanistan.

Another sweeping subject workout successful Tajikistan that would impact 5,000 troops, much than 700 subject vehicles and combat jets is scheduled for adjacent week.

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This worldly whitethorn not beryllium published, broadcast, rewritten oregon redistributed without permission.

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