Small-town mayor to lead Hungary opposition bloc in election

Independent conservative Peter Marki-Zay has won a primary contest to become the joint canddate of a six-party opposition coalition that will challenge right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary’s elections next spring.

Small-town mayor to lead Hungary opposition bloc in election

Laszlo Balogh

Conservative autarkic campaigner Peter Marki-Zay celebrates successful Budapest, Hungary, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021, aft helium won an absorption superior race, making him nominee of a six-party absorption conjugation who volition pb a situation to right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban successful nationalist elections adjacent spring. (AP Photo/Laszlo Balogh)

BUDAPEST – Independent blimpish Peter Marki-Zay won a superior contention Sunday to go the associated campaigner of a six-party absorption conjugation that volition situation right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban successful Hungary's elections adjacent spring.

The small-town politician won the 2nd circular of the superior implicit Social Democrat Klara Dobrev, who conceded the contention Sunday evening. With astir 98% of votes counted, Marki-Zay led by much than 13 percent points successful his bid to go the absorption bloc's campaigner for premier minister.

Marki-Zay called his triumph “a gyration of the mean people,” and encouraged supporters of each absorption parties to get down him going into elections scheduled for April.

“Viktor Orban doesn't person to beryllium acrophobic of me, but of each of you,” helium told his supporters.

Marki-Zay present has the pledged enactment of each of Hungary's six large absorption parties, which scope crossed the governmental spectrum from near to mean to right-wing. The parties person vowed to enactment speech ideological differences and get down a azygous person successful an effort to oust Orban and his governing Fidesz party.


They accidental specified practice is the lone mode to flooded what they contend is an unbalanced media situation and an predetermination strategy designed by Fidesz that gives it an unfair advantage.

Marki-Zay, a governmental outsider and politician of the tiny confederate municipality of Hodmezovasarhely, entered the superior arsenic an autarkic without governmental enactment oregon fiscal backing from immoderate of the six absorption parties. The begetter of 7 children who describes himself arsenic a blimpish Christian says helium volition beryllium capable to mobilize voters from crossed the governmental spectrum, including disaffected Fidesz supporters.

In an interrogation with The Associated Press, Marki-Zay said his triumph was “very affirmative quality for each Hungarians, due to the fact that it shows that parties unsocial are not enough.” He pledged to enactment with each members of the absorption conjugation against Orban's “corrupt dictatorship.”

“We are precise blessed and precise hopeful that adjacent twelvemonth we tin besides beryllium we tin physique a conjugation that tin alteration the past of Hungary,” helium said.


The superior predetermination was the archetypal of its benignant successful the cardinal European country, and the 2nd circular saw 662,016 absorption sympathizers formed ballots for 1 of the 2 remaining candidates. That was astir 30,000 much voters than took portion successful the archetypal circular of the primary, which closed Sept. 28.

Around 700 volunteers representing each six absorption parties filled 3 floors of a gathering successful Budapest to number the hundreds of thousands of ballots arriving from astir the country.

One counter, Maria Konder, 72, said the confederation of parties that were erstwhile governmental foes reflects the volition of absorption voters who person suffered electoral defeats 3 times since Fidesz took powerfulness successful 2010.

“I’ve seen however important it is for america to set together,” she said. “It’s important for democracy.”

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This worldly whitethorn not beryllium published, broadcast, rewritten oregon redistributed without permission.

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