Study: Automatic ‘Opt-Ins’ May Boost Women’s Leadership
When everyone is automatically opted in for a competition, women are as likely as men to vie for the prize. But when competitors must choose to opt in, it becomes a man’s game.

Oct. 18, 2021 -- The “nudge” mentation of economics influences everything from organ donation to 401(k) plans, erstwhile automatic information is the default enactment and we indispensable actively take to opt out. And past there’s the reverse, having to opt successful to “accepting cookies” connected each website we visit.
“Leaning in” is the workplace mentation of actively opting successful and is suggested arsenic a mode to constrictive the sex spread successful enactment positions. But caller probe suggests that automatically opting successful women mightiness beryllium much effective.
For this study, behavioral economists did experiments with 1,598 women and men to spot if a communal process for recruitment -- asking funny parties to apply, oregon actively “opt in” -- would pb to differences successful however the genders respond. Their results, published successful theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest that this emblematic mode of doing concern seems to favour men.
In these experiments, radical were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 real-world scenarios of a occupation competition. One script reflected the communal signifier of asking applicants to measurement forward, oregon actively opt in. The 2nd flipped the approach, truthful that being successful contention for the occupation was automatic unless a subordinate chose to opt out.
With the “active opt-in” scenario, women were importantly little apt than men to vie for the work. But nether the “default opt-in, progressive opt-out” scenario, women were conscionable arsenic apt arsenic men to enactment successful the competition.
Experiments that the researchers performed nether laboratory conditions showed a akin pattern. They recovered nary downsides of the “default opt-in” attack successful presumption of subordinate show oregon well-being.
The results suggest that existent recruitment and promotion practices favour men, who thin to beryllium much accustomed to specified competitions. “Making contention the default eliminates the commonly observed sex differences successful the propensity to compete,” the authors say.
Opting successful everyone who qualifies for promotion oregon competitions could constrictive the enactment sex gap, the researchers write, noting that changing the bias successful the strategy whitethorn summation inclusiveness amended than asking radical to “lean in.”
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