The right to a clean and healthy environment: 6 things you need to know
On 8 October, loud and unusual applause reverberated around the chamber of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. A battle fought for decades by environmental activists and rights’ defenders, had finally borne fruit.

For the archetypal clip ever, the United Nations assemblage whose ngo is to beforehand and support quality rights astir the world, passed a solution recognising entree to a steadfast and sustainable situation arsenic a cosmopolitan right.
The substance besides calls connected countries to enactment together, and with different partners, to instrumentality this breakthrough.
“Professionally that was astir apt the astir thrilling acquisition that I ever person had oregon that I ever volition have. It was a monolithic squad victory. It took virtually millions of people, and years and years of enactment to execute this resolution”, said David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur connected Human Rights and Environment, who was successful the country erstwhile President Nazhat Shameem from Fiji, brought down her gavel, announcing the voting results.
43 votes successful favour and 4 abstentions counted arsenic a unanimous triumph to walk the substance that cites the efforts of astatine slightest 1,100 civilian society, child, younker and indigenous people’s organizations, who person been campaigning for planetary recognition, implementation and extortion of the quality close to a safe, clean, steadfast and sustainable environment.
A small spot of joyful emotion astatine the precise staid Human Rights Council, arsenic the UN for the archetypal clip recognizes the close to a clean, steadfast and sustainable environment! (Mask was lone disconnected for a moment!)— SREnvironment (@SREnvironment) October 8, 2021
But wherefore is this designation important, and what does it mean for clime change-affected communities?
Here are six cardinal things you request to know, compiled by america present astatine UN News.
1. First, let’s callback what the Human Rights Council does, and what its resolutions mean
The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental assemblage wrong the United Nations system, liable for strengthening the promotion and extortion of quality rights astir the globe and for addressing situations of quality rights violations and marque recommendations connected them.
The Council is made up of 47 UN Member States which are elected by the implicit bulk successful the General Assembly and correspond each portion of the world.
Human Rights Council resolutions are “political expressions” that correspond the presumption of the Council’s members (or the bulk of them) connected peculiar issues and situations. These documents are drafted and negotiated among States with to beforehand circumstantial quality rights issues.
They usually provoke a statement among States, civilian nine and intergovernmental organisations; found caller ‘standards’, lines oregon principles of conduct; oregon bespeak existing rules of conduct.
Resolutions are drafted by a “core group”: Costa Rica, the Maldives, Morocco, Slovenia and Switzerland, were the countries who brought resolution 48/13 for its adoption successful the council, recognising for the archetypal clip that having a clean, steadfast and sustainable situation is so a quality right.
2. It was a solution decades successful the making
In 1972, the United Nations Conference connected the Environment successful Stockholm, which ended with a humanities declaration, was the archetypal 1 to spot biology issues astatine the forefront of planetary concerns and marked the commencement of a dialog betwixt industrialized and processing countries connected the nexus betwixt economical growth, the contamination of the air, h2o and the ocean, and the well-being of radical astir the world.
UN Member States backmost then, declared that radical person a cardinal close to "an situation of a prime that permits a beingness of dignity and well-being," calling for factual action. They called for some the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly to act.
Since 2008, the Maldives, a Small Island Developing State connected the frontline of clime alteration impacts, has been tabling a bid of resolutions connected quality rights and clime change, and successful the past decade, connected quality rights and environment.
In the past fewer years, the enactment of the Maldives and its allied States, arsenic good arsenic the UN Special Rapporteur connected Human Rights and Environment and antithetic NGOs, person been moving the planetary assemblage towards the declaration of a caller cosmopolitan right.
Support for UN designation of this close grew during the COVID-19 pandemic. The thought was endorsed by UN's Secretary-General António Guterres and High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, arsenic good arsenic much than 1,100 civilian nine organisations from astir the world. Nearly 70 states connected the Human Rights Council besides added their voices to a telephone by the council’s halfway group connected quality rights and situation for specified action, and 15 UN agencies besides sent a uncommon associated declaration advocating for it.
“A surge successful emerging zoonotic diseases, the clime emergency, pervasive toxic contamination and a melodramatic nonaccomplishment of biodiversity person brought the aboriginal of the satellite to the apical of the planetary agenda”, a radical of UN experts said successful a connection released successful June this year, connected World Environment Day.

Emmanuel Rouy/Lycée Français d
Students of the superior conception of the Lycée français de New York (French School) protestation clime alteration successful the city’s Upper East Side neighbourhood (file photo).
3. It was a David vs Goliath story…
To yet scope the ballot and decision, the halfway radical pb intensive inter-governmental negotiations, discussions and adjacent experts’ seminars, implicit the past fewer years.
Levy Muwana, a Youth Advocate and environmentalist from Zambia, participated successful 1 of the seminars.
“As a young child, I was affected with bilharzia, a parasitic disease, due to the fact that I was playing successful the soiled h2o adjacent my household.
A fewer years later, a miss died successful my assemblage from cholera. These events are sadly communal and occurring much often.
Water-born infectious diseases are expanding worldwide, particularly crossed sub-Saharan Africa, owed to the changing climate”, helium told Council members past August.
Muwana made wide that his communicative was not unique, arsenic millions of children worldwide are importantly impacted by the devastating consequences of the biology crisis. “1.7 cardinal of them dice each twelvemonth from inhaling contaminated aerial oregon drinking polluted water”, helium said.
The activist, on with implicit 100.000 children and allies had signed a petition for the close to a steadfast situation to beryllium recognised, and they were yet heard.
“There are radical who privation to proceed the process of exploiting the earthy satellite and person nary reservations astir harming radical to bash that. So those precise almighty opponents person kept this country from going guardant for decades.
It's astir similar a David and Goliath communicative that each of these civilian nine organizations were capable to flooded this almighty opposition, and present we person this caller instrumentality that we tin usage to combat for a much conscionable and sustainable world”, says David Boyd, the UN Special Rapporteur connected Human Rights and Environment.

© UNICEF/Scott Moncrieff
Young girls transportation h2o from a root successful Ituri successful the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
4. But what bully is simply a non-legally binding resolution?
Mr. Boyd explains that the solution should beryllium a catalyst for much ambitious enactment connected each azygous biology contented that we face.
“It truly is historic, and it truly is meaningful for everyone due to the fact that we cognize close present that 90% of radical successful the satellite are breathing polluted air.
“So close disconnected the bat if we tin usage this solution arsenic a catalyst for actions to cleanable up aerial quality, past we're going to beryllium improving the lives of billions of people”, helium emphasizes.
Human Rights Council resolutions mightiness not beryllium legally binding, but they bash incorporate beardown governmental commitments.
“The champion illustration we person of what benignant of a quality these UN resolutions marque is if we look backmost astatine the resolutions successful 2010 that for the archetypal clip recognized the close to water. That was a catalyst for governments each implicit the satellite who added the close to h2o to their constitutions, their highest and strongest laws”, Mr. Boyd says.
The Rapporteur cites Mexico, which aft adding the close to h2o successful the constitution, has present extended harmless drinking h2o to implicit 1,000 agrarian communities.
“There are a cardinal radical who can't conscionable crook connected the pat and person clean, harmless h2o coming out, and truthful you know, for a 1000 communities successful agrarian Mexico, that's an perfectly life-changing improvement. Similarly, Slovenia, aft they enactment the close to h2o successful their constitution due to the fact that of the UN resolutions, they past took enactment to bring harmless drinking h2o to Roma communities surviving successful informal settlements connected metropolis outskirts”.
According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the designation of the close to a steadfast situation astatine the planetary level volition enactment efforts to code biology crises successful a much coordinated, effectual and non-discriminatory manner, assistance execute the Sustainable Developing Goals, supply stronger extortion of rights and of the radical defending the environment, and assistance make a satellite wherever radical tin unrecorded successful harmony with nature.

OCHA/Danielle Parry
Extreme upwind events are devastating galore countries, including Fiji which was deed by a cyclone successful 2016.
5. The nexus betwixt quality rights and situation is indisputable
Mr. Boyd has witnessed firsthand the devastating interaction that clime alteration has already had connected people’s rights.
In his archetypal state ngo arsenic a Special Rapporteur, helium met the archetypal assemblage successful the satellite that had to beryllium wholly relocated owed to rising oversea levels, coastal erosion and accrued strength of tempest surges.
“You know, from this beauteous waterfront paradise connected a Fijian island, they had to determination their full colony inland astir 3 kilometers. Older persons, radical with disabilities, large women, they're present separated from the water that has sustained their civilization and their livelihoods for galore generations”.
These situations are not lone seen successful processing countries. Mr. Boyd besides visited Norway wherever helium met Sami indigenous radical besides facing the impacts of clime change.
“I heard truly bittersweet stories there. For thousands of years their civilization and their system has been based connected reindeer herding, but present due to the fact that of lukewarm upwind successful the winters, adjacent successful Norway, northbound of the Arctic Circle, sometimes it rains.
“The reindeer who virtually for thousands of years had been capable to scrape distant snowfall during the wintertime to get to the lichens and mosses that sustained them, present can't scrape distant the crystal - and they’re starving”.
The communicative repeats itself successful Kenya, wherever pastoralists are losing their livestock due to the fact that of droughts that are being exacerbated by clime change.
“They person done thing to origin this planetary situation and they’re the ones who are suffering, and that's wherefore it's specified a quality rights issue.
“That's wherefore it's specified an contented of justice. Wealthy countries and affluent radical request to commencement to wage for the contamination they've created truthful that we tin assistance these susceptible communities and these susceptible peoples to accommodate and to rebuild their lives”, Mr. Boyd said.

© UNICEF/Habibul Haque
Air contamination successful Dhaka, Bangladesh, is starring to a bid of wellness problems for the city's inhabitants.
6. What’s next?
The Council solution includes an invitation to the UN General Assembly to besides see the matter. The Special Rapporteur says helium is “cautiously optimistic” that the assemblage volition walk a akin solution wrong the adjacent year.
“We request this. We request governments and we request everyone to determination with a consciousness of urgency. I mean, we're surviving successful a climate, biodiversity, and contamination crisis, and besides a situation of these emerging diseases similar COVID which person biology basal causes. And truthful that's wherefore this solution is critically important due to the fact that it says to each authorities successful the satellite ‘you person to enactment quality rights astatine the centre of clime action, of conservation, of addressing contamination and of preventing aboriginal pandemics’”.
For Dr. Maria Neira, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) situation chief, the solution is already having important repercussions and a mobilizing impact.
“The adjacent measurement volition beryllium however we construe that connected the close to cleanable aerial and whether we tin push, for instance, for the designation of WHO’S Global Air Quality Guidelines and the levels of vulnerability to definite pollutants astatine a state level. It volition besides assistance america to determination definite authorities and standards astatine the nationalist level”, she explains.
Air pollution, chiefly the effect of burning fossil fuels, which besides drives clime change, causes 13 deaths per infinitesimal worldwide. Dr. Neira calls for the extremity of this “absurd fight” against the ecosystems and environment.
“All the investments request to beryllium connected ensuring entree to harmless h2o and sanitation, connected making definite that electrification is done with renewable vigor and that our nutrient systems are sustainable.”
According to WHO, achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement would prevention millions of lives each twelvemonth owed to improvements successful aerial quality, diet, and carnal activity, among different benefits.
“The clime exigency has go a substance of endurance for galore populations. Only systemic, profound and accelerated changes volition marque it imaginable to respond to this planetary ecological crisis", says the Special Rapporteur.
For Mr. Boyd, the support of the humanities solution successful the Human Rights Council was a ‘paradoxical’ moment.
“There was this unthinkable consciousness of accomplishment and besides astatine the nonstop aforesaid clip a consciousness of however overmuch enactment remains to beryllium done to instrumentality these beauteous words and construe them into changes that volition marque people's lives amended and marque our nine much sustainable”.
The recently declared close to a steadfast and cleanable situation volition besides hopefully power positively negotiations during the upcoming UN Climate Conference COP26, successful Glasgow, which has been described by the UN main arsenic the past accidental to ‘turn the tide’ and extremity the warfare connected our planet.
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