Venomous viper species from the Tibetan plateau discovered in museum
A DNA analysis of museum snake specimens has revealed two previously unrecognised species of Asian pit viper, both from the eastern Tibetan plateau

By Jake Buehler
The Nujiang pit viper (Gloydius lipipengi) – a caller species Shi et al.
If you representation the habitats frequented by venomous snakes, it’s tempting to conjure up a searing godforsaken oregon humid rainforest. But immoderate venomous snakes thrive successful frigid, mountainous regions inhospitable to astir reptiles – and 2 caller venomous snake taxon that unrecorded connected the Tibetan plateau person conscionable been described.
The 2 caller taxon are Asian pit vipers (Gloydius), a radical of venomous snakes related to rattlesnakes and lanceheads. With astir 2 twelve taxon recovered mostly successful China and Russia, they …
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