Video Shows Louisiana Sheriff’s Deputy Slamming Black Woman to the Ground

The A.C.L.U. said that the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office had opened an investigation into the violent encounter. The woman was treated at a hospital, and no charges were filed against her.

Video Shows Louisiana Sheriff’s Deputy Slamming Black Woman to the Ground

The A.C.L.U. said that the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office had opened an probe into the convulsive encounter. The pistillate was treated astatine a hospital, and nary charges were filed against her.

Shantel Arnold was treated astatine  a infirmary  aft  a convulsive  brushwood   with a Jefferson Parish sheriff’s deputy, according to an A.C.L.U. authoritative  successful  Louisiana.
Credit...Kathleen Flynn

Oct. 18, 2021, 2:16 p.m. ET

The video is abbreviated but harrowing. The camera lens rapidly zooms past a car and focuses connected the country down it: A sheriff’s lawman successful Louisiana, who towers implicit a tiny Black woman, is slamming her onto the ground.

The pistillate is lying connected her back, and the lawman is hunched implicit her. He is clenching her near wrist with 1 hand, and her near forearm with another, and hoisting her assemblage disconnected the ground.

He throws her backmost onto the ground. Down. Up. Down. Up.

“Someone grounds that,” a pistillate disconnected camera tin beryllium heard saying.

It appears the lawman is holding her by her hairsbreadth now. He kneels down, perchance connected apical of her, and the video cuts out.

It is unclear who took the video, which drew attraction aft it was posted past period connected societal media. The 2 radical successful the footage are Shantel Arnold, 34, and an unidentified subordinate of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, according to, the New Orleans quality site, and Alanah Odoms, the enforcement manager of the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana.

Ms. Arnold told the work that earlier the brushwood she was walking location aft having been attacked by 3 boys. That’s erstwhile the sheriff’s lawman pulled up successful his cruiser and asked her to stop. His intent was unclear. When she didn’t, the lawman got retired of his car and attacked her, Ms. Arnold’s stepfather, Lionel Gray, told

The Sheriff’s Office, Ms. Arnold and Mr. Gray did not instrumentality emails and telephone calls seeking remark connected Saturday and Sunday.

After the attack, Ms. Arnold was taken to a infirmary with a busted lip, bruises and scratches, reported. It said she inactive gets headaches that stem from the encounter. The Sheriff’s Office did not record charges against her.

The Sheriff’s Office has opened an probe into the deputy’s confrontation with Ms. Arnold, Ms. Odoms said. Though the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office has had a past of complaints astir constabulary brutality and the mistreatment of Black people, seldom has it investigated them, Ms. Odoms said successful interviews implicit the weekend.

Body camera footage is apt not to origin into the probe due to the fact that the Sheriff’s Office does not necessitate its unit to deterioration assemblage cameras, Ms. Odoms said, contempt repeated calls from groups, including the A.C.L.U., to necessitate the devices.

However, connected Thursday, Sheriff Joseph P. Lopinto III of Jefferson Parish said helium bought 500 assemblage cameras successful June that his deputies volition beryllium trained to usage aboriginal this year. He waited until June to bargain the cameras, which outgo $8.7 million, due to the fact that his bureau lacked the fund until recently, helium said astatine a meeting with the Jefferson Parish Democratic Executive Committee.

It is easier for a constabulary serviceman to get distant with harming idiosyncratic if the brushwood is not recorded connected a assemblage camera, Ms. Odoms said. Even if determination is capable evidence, victims of civilian rights violations successful Louisiana indispensable property charges wrong a year. In many different states, the statute of limitations is simply a fewer years longer.



It is not known if Ms. Arnold plans to property charges against the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office oregon the lawman progressive successful the encounter.

In 2018, 4 Jefferson Parish sheriff’s deputies were accused of — and yet not charged with — inflicting “significant traumatic injuries to the neck” of Keeven Robinson, 22, who was arrested and aboriginal died. The parents of Eric Parsas, a 16-year-old with autism who died past twelvemonth aft an brushwood with instrumentality enforcement, filed a national lawsuit successful January against Sheriff Lopinto and 7 deputies, claiming the deputies who tried to restrain their lad had sat connected him for much than 9 minutes, starring to his death.

The A.C.L.U. of Louisiana has filed respective lawsuits successful the past twelvemonth and a fractional against the Sheriff’s Office stemming from what it says are incidents of violent beatings and racial profiling.

The enactment started filing the lawsuits successful an effort to halt the office’s “disturbing pattern” of “deep-rooted radical violence” against Black people, the enactment said successful a statement this year. From 2013 to 2020, astir three-quarters of the radical killed by the constabulary successful Jefferson Parish were Black, the enactment said, adjacent though Black radical marque up little than a 3rd of the parish’s population.

The practices of the Sheriff’s Office “disproportionately taxable Black radical to excessive unit and successful immoderate cases, death,” the connection said.

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