Where Things Stand on Boosters for Three Vaccines in the U.S.
Confused about who can get a booster shot of which vaccine, and what the F.D.A.’s advisers on vaccines are voting on this week? This scorecard may help.

U.S.|Here’s a snapshot of wherever things basal connected boosters for the 3 vaccines successful usage successful the U.S.

- Oct. 14, 2021, 12:23 p.m. ET
It tin beryllium hard to support way of developments connected coronavirus vaccine boosters without a scorecard.
The Food and Drug Administration’s sheet of adept advisers is scheduled to ballot this week connected whether to urge booster shots for 2 of the 3 vaccines successful usage successful the United States, those from Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, for each vaccine’s recipients.
The bureau has already authorized booster shots of the third, from Pfizer-BioNTech, for definite groups who got that vaccine initially, including adults 65 and older and residents of semipermanent attraction facilities. Third doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines besides person been authorized for immoderate radical with weaker immune systems, who whitethorn not person gotten afloat extortion from the archetypal 2 doses.
All 3 vaccines initially supply precise beardown extortion against infection, superior unwellness and decease from Covid-19. The impetus for boosters comes from studies suggesting that portion that extortion remains beardown against superior unwellness and death, it whitethorn diminution somewhat implicit clip and could let much breakthrough infections, particularly of the highly contagious Delta variant. The diminution tends to beryllium astir pronounced successful older radical and those with definite underlying aesculapian conditions.
Here is simply a rundown of the booster-shot concern for the 3 vaccines disposable successful the United States.
What you would get: A 3rd afloat dose, astatine slightest six months aft your second.
Where it stands successful the U.S.: Available present for galore people. The F.D.A. has authorized 3rd shots for radical implicit 65, radical with definite aesculapian conditions and immoderate others who are astatine precocious hazard due to the fact that of wherever they enactment oregon live. (Some immunocompromised radical can get a 3rd shot a period aft their second.) The bureau has enactment disconnected a determination connected whether to authorize boosters for different people.
Where it stands elsewhere: Israel and immoderate different countries are administering Pfizer-BioNTech booster shots widely.
What the subject says: The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the archetypal to triumph afloat support successful the United States (for those 16 and older), the archetypal to beryllium authorized for immoderate children (those 12 to 15) and the archetypal to beryllium authorized for boosters; the disposable information connected its information and effectiveness is particularly robust. Some studies suggest that the vaccine whitethorn decline successful effectiveness implicit time a spot much than the Moderna vaccine.
What you would get: A half-dose, astatine slightest six months aft your 2nd afloat dose.
Where it stands successful the U.S.: Awaiting authorization arsenic a booster for the aforesaid colonisation groups who are present eligible for a Pfizer booster. (Some immunocompromised radical can person a afloat 3rd dose a period aft their second.)
Where it stands elsewhere: Some countries are offering Moderna booster shots oregon readying to bash truthful soon.
What the subject says: Some studies suggest that the Moderna vaccine’s effectiveness declines little than the different 2 vaccines disposable successful the United States do. That whitethorn mean determination is little request for Moderna recipients to get boosters. Taking that into account, an F.D.A. unit report took a neutral stance connected Moderna’s booster-shot application.
What to Know About Covid-19 Booster Shots
The F.D.A. authorized booster shots for a prime radical of radical who received their 2nd doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine astatine slightest six months ago. That radical includes: Pfizer recipients who are 65 oregon older oregon who unrecorded successful semipermanent attraction facilities; adults who are astatine precocious hazard of terrible Covid-19 due to the fact that of an underlying aesculapian condition; wellness attraction workers and others whose jobs enactment them astatine risk. People with weakened immune systems are eligible for a 3rd dose of either Pfizer oregon Moderna 4 weeks aft the 2nd shot.
Regulators person not authorized booster shots for recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines yet, but an F.D.A. panel is scheduled to meet to measurement booster shots for big recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
The C.D.C. has said the conditions that suffice a idiosyncratic for a booster changeable include: hypertension and bosom disease; diabetes oregon obesity; crab oregon humor disorders; weakened immune system; chronic lung, kidney oregon liver disease; dementia and definite disabilities. Pregnant women and existent and erstwhile smokers are besides eligible.
The F.D.A. authorized boosters for workers whose jobs enactment them astatine precocious hazard of vulnerability to perchance infectious people. The C.D.C. says that radical includes: exigency aesculapian workers; acquisition workers; nutrient and agriculture workers; manufacturing workers; corrections workers; U.S. Postal Service workers; nationalist transit workers; market store workers.
It is not recommended. For now, Pfizer vaccine recipients are advised to get a Pfizer booster shot, and Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients should hold until booster doses from those manufacturers are approved.
Yes. The C.D.C. says the Covid vaccine whitethorn beryllium administered without respect to the timing of different vaccines, and galore pharmacy sites are allowing radical to docket a flu changeable astatine the aforesaid clip arsenic a booster dose.
Johnson & Johnson
What you would get: A 2nd dose, astir apt six months aft the archetypal dose.
Where it stands successful the U.S.: Awaiting authorization. An F.D.A. unit study found important shortcomings successful the data that the institution submitted with its application, but it was not wide whether that would hold a decision.
Where it stands elsewhere: No state has yet recommended administering 2nd doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
What the subject says: The Johnson & Johnson vaccine gives beardown archetypal extortion aft 1 dose, though not arsenic strong arsenic the Pfizer oregon Moderna two-dose vaccines, truthful determination has agelong been involvement successful boosters for Johnson & Johnson recipients.
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