Zelda Williams wants people to stop sending Robin Williams impersonation video to her
The daughter of the late actor and comedian Robin Williams is aware of the viral video of an impersonation of her father and doesn't want to see it anymore.

On Tuesday, histrion Jamie Costa posted a five-minute video connected his YouTube transmission successful which helium acts retired a country of him arsenic Williams learning from his "Mork & Mindy" costar Pam Dawber (played by Sarah Murphree) of the decease of his person comic John Belushi.
The clip, titled "ROBIN Test Footage Scene," had galore clamoring for a movie with Costa starring arsenic Williams, who died by termination successful 2014 aft battling Lewy assemblage dementia.
Zelda Williams tweeted Tuesday "Guys, I'm lone saying this due to the fact that I don't deliberation it'll halt until I admit it... please, halt sending maine the 'test footage'."
"I've seen it," the tweet read. "Jamie is SUPER talented, this isn't against him, but y'all spamming maine an content of my precocious Dad connected 1 of his saddest days is weird."
In 2014, she quit Twitter and Instagram for immoderate clip aft she was trolled successful the aftermath of her father's death, which caused Twitter to revisit its user-protection policies.
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