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A pistillate receives a changeable of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine successful Vung Tau, Vietnam, Monday, Sep. 13, 2021. Vietnam is speeding up its vaccination programme successful an effort to loosen coronavirus lockdown restrictions successful large cities by the extremity of September, the authorities said. (AP Photo/Hau Dinh)

HANOI – Vietnam is speeding up its vaccination programme successful an effort to loosen coronavirus lockdown restrictions successful large cities by the extremity of the month, the authorities said Monday.

Health workers administered vaccines passim the nighttime successful the capital, Hanoi, which has been nether lockdown since July.

More than a cardinal vaccine shots were fixed implicit the play successful Hanoi, retired of astir 5.5 cardinal administered determination since vaccinations started successful March, the Health Ministry said.

“We person to velocity up the vaccination programme truthful we tin marque a program to reopen the city,” Hanoi politician Chu Ngoc Anh said Sunday. More than fractional of the country’s 98 cardinal colonisation is besides nether lockdown.

About 80% of the city’s 5.7 cardinal adults person received astatine slightest 1 shot, with authorities aiming for 100% by the extremity of this week.

However, the country’s wide vaccination complaint inactive remains debased astatine astir 28%, and lone 4% person been afloat vaccinated with some jabs.


Vietnam managed to support its corruption complaint comparatively debased up until April this year, with lone 35 deaths. Last twelvemonth it was praised for keeping the microorganism nether control, an accomplishment mostly attributed to the subject of being a single-party communist authorities with choky controls astatine each levels.

But vaccine shortages forced Vietnam to dilatory down its vaccination programme successful caller months, adjacent arsenic the delta variant of the microorganism infected implicit 600,000 radical and killed much than 15,000 successful conscionable 4 months.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the nation’s concern hub and astir hard-hit by the surge, implicit 95% of adults person received the archetypal vaccine, but galore who request to travel successful for the 2nd dose aren't capable to get it owed to debased supplies.

Among measures to header with the shortage, Vietnam’s wellness authorization has allowed combinations of antithetic two-dose COVID-19 vaccines to velocity up the vaccination campaign. Experts accidental this maneuver is apt harmless and effective, but researchers are inactive gathering information to beryllium sure.


Vietnam is presently utilizing AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Sinopharm, a Chinese-made vaccine.

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