Fighting wave of misinfo, YouTube bans false vaccine claims

Video-sharing tech platform YouTube on Wednesday announced immediate bans on false claims that vaccines are dangerous and cause health issues like autism, cancer or infertility.

Fighting wave of misinfo, YouTube bans false vaccine claims

FILE - This March 20, 2018, record  photograph  shows the YouTube app connected  an iPad successful  Baltimore.  Video-sharing tech level    YouTube connected  Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021,  announced contiguous  bans connected  mendacious  claims that vaccines are unsafe  and origin  wellness  issues similar  autism, crab  oregon  infertility.    (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)FILE - This March 20, 2018, record photograph shows the YouTube app connected an iPad successful Baltimore. Video-sharing tech level YouTube connected Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021, announced contiguous bans connected mendacious claims that vaccines are unsafe and origin wellness issues similar autism, crab oregon infertility. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File) (Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

YouTube is wiping vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories from its fashionable video-sharing platform.

The prohibition connected vaccine misinformation, announced successful a blog station connected Wednesday, comes arsenic countries astir the satellite proceed to connection escaped immunizations for COVID-19 to a somewhat hesitant public. Public wellness officials person struggled to propulsion backmost against a dependable existent of online misinformation astir the COVID-19 changeable since improvement of the immunization archetypal got underway past year.

YouTube's caller rules volition prohibit misinformation astir immoderate vaccine that has been approved by wellness authorities specified arsenic the World Health Organization and are presently being administered. The level had already begun to ace down precocious past twelvemonth connected mendacious claims astir the COVID-19 vaccine.


YouTube, which is owned by Google, volition delete videos that falsely assertion vaccines are unsafe oregon origin wellness issues, similar cancer, infertility oregon autism — a mentation that scientists person discredited for decades but has endured connected the internet. As of Wednesday, fashionable anti-vaccine accounts, including those tally by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., were kicked disconnected YouTube.

“We’ve steadily seen mendacious claims astir the coronavirus vaccines spill implicit into misinformation astir vaccines successful general, and we’re present astatine a constituent wherever it’s much important than ever to grow the enactment we started with COVID-19 to different vaccines,” YouTube said successful a prepared statement.

The caller regularisation volition use to wide claims astir vaccines arsenic good arsenic statements astir circumstantial vaccines, specified arsenic those fixed for measles oregon flu.

Claims astir vaccines that are being tested volition inactive beryllium allowed. Personal stories astir reactions to the vaccine volition besides beryllium permitted, arsenic agelong arsenic they bash not travel from an relationship that has a past of promoting vaccine misinformation. ___


Associated Press writer David Klepper successful Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this report.

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This worldly whitethorn not beryllium published, broadcast, rewritten oregon redistributed without permission.

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