Taiwan drills military as concerns over China grow

An F-16 screeched across the sky before landing on a highway cut through pineapple fields in southwestern Taiwan to refuel quickly and take off again.

Taiwan drills military as concerns over China grow

JIADONG – The F-16 screeched crossed the entity Wednesday earlier landing connected a road chopped done pineapple fields successful southwestern Taiwan to refuel rapidly and instrumentality disconnected again.

The Taiwanese subject workout envisioned a Chinese onslaught taking retired the island's main airfields, necessitating the usage of agrarian roads arsenic runways to transportation connected the fight.

War is not imminent, but arsenic China has grown progressively assertive successful some the East China and South China Seas, Taiwan is stepping up its defense. Across the region, the United States and its allies are deepening subject practice and strategizing implicit an effectual response.

China, which claims Taiwan arsenic portion of its territory, flies combatant jets toward Taiwan connected a regular ground successful an effort to pass and intimidate the island’s aerial force. Last month, Chinese combatant jets, anti-submarine craft and combat ships conducted associated battle drills adjacent Taiwan with China saying the workout was indispensable to safeguard its sovereignty.


U.S. President Joe Biden connected Tuesday announced a gathering adjacent week with cardinal determination players that signifier the alleged “Quad” — India, Australia and Japan unneurotic with the U.S. — for in-person talks the White House said are meant to amusement the administration's committedness to “promoting a escaped and unfastened Indo-Pacific.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian slammed the U.S. for “forming exclusive cliques” aft the gathering was announced and countered that China was a “firm defender of determination bid and stability.”

“China’s improvement is simply a increasing unit for bid successful the satellite and a boon to the prosperity and improvement of the region,” helium said. “The countries acrophobic should wantonness the outdated zero-sum mentality and narrow-minded geopolitical thinking.”

Japan, a U.S. state that hosts the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet, has agelong moved cautiously with respect to China, an important trading partner. But it has precocious go little reserved successful the look of Beijing's increasing subject enactment and wide territorial claims successful the occidental Pacific, including to a radical of islands adjacent Taiwan that Japan controls.


Masahisa Sato, a elder lawmaker of the governing Liberal Democratic Party and an adept connected defense, told a caller forum connected information successful Asia that close present the U.S.-Japan confederation is focused mostly connected a effect to a imaginable struggle stemming from the Korean Peninsula, and it needs to beryllium broadened to see what to bash if determination is simply a Chinese onslaught connected Taiwan.

He noted that the Sakishima land group, which includes immoderate of Okinawa's distant islands, “is close adjacent to Taiwan and is portion of a aforesaid theater.”

“We should see a Taiwan contingency arsenic astir adjacent to a Japan contingency,” Sato said.

All 3 candidates moving connected Sept. 29 to go Japan's caller person are proposing hawkish policies toward China, though inactive acknowledging its value arsenic a trading partner.

Taro Kono, the curate successful complaint of vaccinations who is seen arsenic a beforehand runner, has said helium volition question to found a determination model that adds to Japan’s confederation with the United States successful countering China’s increasing subject activity.


In a associated connection aft they met successful April, outgoing Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Biden said they “recognize the value of deterrence to support bid and stableness successful the region" and added that they “oppose immoderate unilateral attempts to alteration the presumption quo successful the East China Sea” and reiterated their “objections to China's unlawful maritime claims and activities successful the South China Sea.”

Underscoring its concerns, Japan’s Defense Ministry added a caller conception connected Taiwan successful its yearly study released successful July, saying the concern requires a “sense of crisis.” It says China’s subject capableness has go acold greater than that of Taiwan and that Japan indispensable wage attraction to further increases connected some sides.

Suga announced helium volition not tally successful the Sept. 29 Liberal Democratic Party enactment vote, which chooses a caller enactment person who volition go Japan's adjacent premier minister.

Taiwan has stepped up purchases from the U.S. of weapons including missiles and craft implicit the past 2 years.


Taiwan's defence ministry submitted a fund of $16.8 cardinal for the adjacent year, a humble summation from past year’s $16.2 billion. Some of the funds would acquisition 66 F-16V combatant jets, according to the semiofficial Central News Agency.

Many believe, however, that contempt the bellicose rhetoric and drills similar the Han Guang workout connected Wednesday, arsenic good arsenic the Chinese posturing, that unfastened struggle is not connected the horizon.

“This is simply a benignant of grey portion maneuver — subject intimidation,” said Ou Xifu, a researcher astatine the Institute for National Defense and Security Research successful Taiwan. “This shouldn't pb to war.”


Wu reported from Taipei and Yamaguchi from Tokyo. Associated Press researcher Yu Bing contributed to this study from Beijing.

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